December 6, 2022
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Coming Soon


What if dreams were reality?

Meet Stella, the sixteen-year-old girl who dreams in such detail that she doesn’t know which of her two lives is real. Some days she is Stella Barone, private school rich girl, and others she is Stella McGillivray, poor waif from the east valley. She lives in the same area, only a matter of miles, and a full week, apart.

Stella coexists peacefully with herself—half a life here, half there—until someone goes missing. And then a second someone, and a third, all from the east valley. And because of Stella’s peculiar means of seeing ahead, it’s last week’s news. She knows who’s next.

If she does things just right in her sleep, she may stop a kidnapper.

But Fate retaliates when bothered. Still, how can she not bother when she learns it’s her friends who’ll soon be making news? It’s her.

Now clinging to the dreams she never wanted in the first place, Stella could be facing an existence without them. And half a life may not be enough to save her friends. It may be too little, too late, to save herself.

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Reviews for Stella-Barone-McGillivray

Read it twice!! I'm not sure which character I like more whether it's Stella, Jack, Declan. It's a great page turner and the characters make it come to life!
Compelling & intriguing! Who hasn’t wondered, if even for a fleeting moment, whether they were dreaming or in reality? This is a mind-bending, intriguing mystery that engages right up to the surprise ending.
A must read for sure! First time I have felt comfortable sharing a book with my kids since Harry Potter. It is a clean read with just the right amount of romance and suspense. I feel like the author also really helps young readers understand the “invisible lines” found in communities and cultures without any hidden agenda. I came away wanting to learn marimba. I don’t know who was more excited, myself or my teenagers.

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